Toxins, Traumas, Thoughts

Trauma: The most common question I get asked as a Chiropractor is “How did this happen to my spine” The answer is mainly your lifestyle. Yes, we have slips, fall, car accidents etc. but we are not made to sit or stand 8, 10, 12 hours a day at jobs. We are made to be hunters and gatherers so sitting at desk and lifting heavy objects put wear and tear on the spine. Keeping a healthy spinal hygiene is the best way to prevent that wear and tear.

Toxins: Have you thought about what your feed your body? Have you thought about the chemicals in your soaps, lotions, perfumes, cologne, air fresheners? Your body will develop an inflammatory response down to the cellular level. Along with Chiropractic, I ask my patients to focus on progression with their lifestyle choices. When you come see me, Ill give you my recommendations on were to start to get your life back.

Thoughts: Lets face it, whew, we live in a world of mental stress. Whether it is financial stress, relationship stress, work stress, kiddo stress, or any other stress you personally manage. You will carry your stress in your muscles which will pull on the spine causing Subluxations (misalignment in the spine). Muscles move bones and bones move muscles. You need to release the stress by restoring the motion in your spine and allowing the nervous system to communicate to your body.


Pregnancy & Chiropractic


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