Our Services



Every story is unique and every great Doctor-patient relationship must begin with a conversation. You and the Doctor will privately discuss your current health conditions and what you hope to obtain from care.



In order to to improve your current health conditions, the Doctor will perform a combination of physical, neurological and orthopedic examinations to determine what care best fit your needs

Posture Analysis


Posture analysis is important to help assess poor posture which is currently an epidemic. This is due to increase in technology usage and lifestyle’s behaviors such as standing and sitting multiple hours per day.



(coming soon): After a detailed discussion with the Doctor, the Doctor will determine if any necessary X-rays will be taken. This will help the Doctor get to the bottom of your current health challenge.



A specific Chiropractic adjustment will be executed when the Doctor has reviewed your case and has accepted you as a patient. Our Doctor specializes in hands-on manual adjustments utilizing Diversified, Thompson drop, and Logan Basic.

Report of Findings (ROF)


Our Doctor’s purpose is to educate you about your health and how she can be of help. On your 2nd appointment, the Doctor will review your x-rays with you and answer any questions you have. The Doctor-patient will agree on a program of care to better your health