Pregnancy & Chiropractic

Infertility is a major concern in todays society. Did you know that Chiropractic can help with infertility? Of course, Chiropractor’s cannot cure anything but, they can remove the interference from the brain body connection to allow your body to express itself. Your body will do all the work once the brain can tell the body what do to.

The uterus is like a hot air balloon tied down by round ligaments. If the pelvis is not in its proper alignment, it will not allow the baby to have optimal space therefore leading to discomfort for the baby. It can also result in your baby presenting breech, long labors and potentially complication during birth.

Lets not forget to give credit where credit is due. You, momma, are growing a human. You are releasing relaxin to allow the body prepare for a baby. You will feel pain, you will feel subluxations (misalignments in the spine) so please don’t put yourself on the back burner when growing your sweet baby. You need all the intelligence from your brain to allow this baby to grow.


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