Do I need a Chiropractor?

The short answer is if you have a spine, you need a Chiropractor. Now, let me explain--no one has a perfect spine but your spine has it’s own optimal potential and stability. Im happy to bust a myth for you…you do NOT have to hurt to see a Chiropractor. The last to come in a problem is pain. The first to leave when getting adjusting is pain. Pain relief is what Chiropractors are GREAT at but what about a lifestyle with Chiropractic.

I’ve been getting adjusted since I was 16 years old since I worked for a Chiropractor. Once I learned that Chiropractic is a lifestyle, just like working out, it completely made sense. We don’t treat the symptom, we treat the cause of a problem which is lack of nerve flow. You cannot live life without your nervous system. It starts with the brain, into spinal cord then branches into spinal nerve to innervate all of your organ, cells, muscles, tissues. If you place the weight of a dime on a spinal nerve, it can shut it down up to 60%.

There are many ways to be adjusted. Each way is very helpful and fits your needs. My professional advice is to schedule a consult and discuss how your life could be changed under Chiropractic care.


Toxins, Traumas, Thoughts


Normal vs Common